- AI Issues are Potential Wild West of Mass Tort Territory – The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence may cause the emergence of mass tort claims rooted in defective product design
product liability
Trademark Owner Liable to Consumer for Product Defect, European Court of Justice Rules
A case that originated in Finland concerned liability for a defective product and the concept of “producer” under EU trademark law. A coffee machine (the Philips Saeco Xsmall HD8743/11) manufactured…
Continue Reading Trademark Owner Liable to Consumer for Product Defect, European Court of Justice RulesHard, Hazy and Maybe Healthy—With a Chance of Liability and Litigation
A few different trends have emerged over the past year or so in the field of craft beer, and in related industries. Indeed, the alcoholic beverage landscape looks much different…
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Glyphosate Litigation Primer
Plaintiffs’ lawyers in several states are investigating cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other forms of cancer in individuals exposed to the widely used herbicide glyphosate. These investigations follow on…
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Greenberg Traurig Sponsors Charging Kiosk at DRI’s Product Liability Conference; Evan C. Holden to Speak
DRI’s Product Liability Conference is the premier product liability education conference of the year. Each year in-house counsel and prominent trial attorneys flock to the conference to speak and network…
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